集研发、 生产、 销售为一体的UV涂料制造企业.
鹤山市创享科技有限公司是一家集研发、 生产、 销售为一体的UV涂料制造企业,高超的科技研发能力, 高效的生产能力,高质量的售后服务体系和成熟的市场营销体系 。
公司秉承 "创一流品质 , 享无限价值 " 的企业宗旨 , 坚持 " 以市 场需求为导向 , 以优良品质为基础 , 完善的售后为保障"的经营理念 , 打造 "美学涂装 ,漆中贵族"品牌。.
公司积极响应国家号召 , 紧跟 "环保、 节能、 效率 " 的行业发展 潮流 , 结合自身的优势 , 不断研发和生产出高技术含量 , 优越的环保性能和精简的生产工艺的优质产品来推向市场 , 为消费者居家环境不断改善 , 为中国建材产业的快速、 健康发展 , 为和谐社会的最终构建作出应有的贡献! .
Awarded Environmental Management System Certification, Quality Management System Certification, China 315 Integrity Enterprise, High tech Enterprise, with over 20 invention patents
A comprehensive team integrating research and development, production, sales, and operation, with over 30 senior R&D engineers, ensuring the production and implementation of customer coatings.
自2001年开始,公司负责人创立地板行业喷边漆工艺,发明地板行业表面耐磨技术,发明地板行业表面耐磨技术,创立地板仿古工艺,创立木制品涂膜剂产品。研发出新型底处理产品"介面剂",针对解决水性底层难题,2024年,研发出三层特殊工艺,降低成本,增加效果,进军三层市场 .
Since 2001, we have established the edge painting process for the flooring industry, invented the surface wear-resistant technology for the flooring industry, developed the surface wear-resistant technology for the flooring industry, created the antique flooring process, and created coating agent products for wooden products..
Waterborne primer: water-based adhesive, UV primer: odorless adhesive base, UV primer: high hardness base, UV primer: scratch resistant filling base, UV primer: matte base, UV primer: transparent base, UV primer: high filling putty, UV primer: fiberglass wear-resistant base, UV primer: UV white base, UV topcoat: yellow resistant matte surface
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